Baby Steps

I just finished crafting all the answers for one publishing house submission. Sent it off to be proofed by my mama and her school full of teachers. We will see what revisions/suggestions come back. Baby steps forward on the journey.


A Dream.

This is my space and place to hold myself accountable to a dream. I have dreamed of being a writer since I was little. You should see my personal filing cabinet filled with mock books. I have been encouraged over the years despite my poor spelling skills and deficiencies in grammar. In fact I probably would have given up had an English teacher in college not told me to "stop trying so hard and just be real! Write like you talk." Those words set me free.
I have dreamed of writing children's books, church curriculum, devotional books for young woman, but right now I dream of helping mom's who crave a relationship with Christ in the midst of their busy lives. This will be my place to chronicle the fulfillment of that dream. Let the journey begin.